This article, Osaja Regional Pokédex by Universalguardian1003, is under construction. You may not be able to trust the information provided here to be correct in the sense that the final version of an article would be.

Expected time until/date finished: Unknown.

Reason for incompletion: Things like this take time. Ideas can be found at Pokemon by Osaja Regional Pokédex/ideas.

This is a list of Pokémon in the order dictated by the Osaja regional Pokédex, meaning that the starter Pokémon from Osaja will appear first, followed by Pokémon native to the Osaja region in Pokémon Oblivion and Genesis. Many of these Pokemon are based of of species that can be found in Missouri, and Osaja also is the native region of several starter Pokemon for other regions. Many fossil Pokemon are featured.

List of Pokemon by Osaja Pokedex number

Osa. Dex N. Dex Pokémon Type
#001 #650 Grashin Grass
#002 #651 Graskin Grass Dark
#003 #652 Grashadow Grass Dark
#004 #653 Riref Fire
#005 #654 Ritar Fire Steel
#006 #655 Ristar Fire Steel
#007 #656 Blooby Water
#008 #657 Blooling Water Grass
#009 #658 Blootrei Water Grass
#050 #699 Nirwana Water
#051 #699 Arodise Water Fairy
#052 #700 Shadja Dark ???
#053 #701 Rashadow Dark ???
#054 #702 Raysaur ??? Steel
#099 #749 Wyrmid Dragon
#100 #750 Occidrake Ground Dragon
#101 #751 Oriess Psychic Dragon
#? #? Aliedart Steel Psychic